Mortal vírus da PSA na Alemanha
Ministra do BMEL alemão confirma a presença do vírus da peste suína africana no Estado de Brandemburgo
Conforme a notícia Erster Verdachtsfall von Afrikanischer Schweinepest in Brandenburg do RBB24 de 9 de setembro de 2020, o Laboratório de Berlim-Brandenburg (LLBB, na sigla em alemão, Landerslabor Berlin-Brandenburg) recebeu na quarta-feira (9) uma carcaça suspeita de javali selvagem encontrada no distrito de Spree-Neisse que faz fronteira com a Polônia.
Die #AfrikanischeSchweinepest ist bei einem #Wildschwein in Brandenburg nachgewiesen worden.
— BMEL (@bmel) September 10, 2020
Für Menschen besteht keine Gefahr!
Schweinefleisch u. Wurstwaren vom Schwein können bedenkenlos weiter verzehrt werden.
Infos im #ASP-Film u. in unseren FAQs ⇨
Uma amostra coletada dessa carcaça suspeita foi enviada do LLBB para um laboratório de referência nacional, o Instituto Friedrich-Loeffler (FLI, na sigla em alemão, Friedrich-Loeffler-Insitut), onde um exame virológico confirmou a presença do vírus da peste suína africana (PSA) em território alemão.
A ministra do Ministério da Alimentação e Agricultura (BMEL, na sigla em alemão, Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft) da Alemanhã, Julia Klöckner, pelo Twitter também confirmou a ocorrência do surto de PSA.
Bestätigter Fall von #AfrikanischeSchweinepest:
— BMEL ?? #EU2020DE (@bmel) September 10, 2020
Mit Änderungen im Tiergesundheits- und im Bundesjagdgesetz wurden die Voraussetzungen für schnelles Eingreifen geschaffen.
BMin @JuliaKloeckner stellt die Maßnahmen vor, um die Weiterverbreitung der #ASP zu verhindern.
Surto de PSA poderá ter enormes consequências econômicas
A PSA, uma doença epizoótica, não traz consequências à saúde das pessoas, mas na grande maioria dos casos é mortal para os suínos domésticos. Nos últimos anos, vários agricultores do Leste Europeu tiveram que eliminar seus plantéis de suínos devido a disseminação da PSA.
Na Alemanha, esse surto de PSA poderá ter enormes consequências econômicas em prejuízo dos agricultores. De acordo com o BMEL, as exportações para países não-UE (especialmente para os países asiáticos) poderão ser em grande parte perdidas. Para que a Alemanha possa exportar carne suína para a China, por exemplo, a fiscalização agropecuária chinesa exige a comprovação de "território livre de peste suína africana". No entanto, poderá ser mantido o comércio de carne suína dentro da UE. Haverá restrições apenas para as criações localizadas nas proximidades do surto inicial de PSA.
Javali testou positivo para peste suína africana na Alemanha
— Sputnik Brasil (@sputnik_brasil) September 10, 2020
Em novembro de 2019, segundo a Associação Estadual de Agricultores (LBV, na sigla em alemão, Landesbauernverbands), cerca de 750.000 suínos eram criados em 170 propriedades rurais no Estado de Brandemburgo. Os suínos são especialmente exportados pelo Estado de Brandemburgo para outros estados alemães e outros países da UE.
Fiscalização agropecuária alemã reforça medidas preventivas
Na fronteira da Alemanha com a Polônia (país onde a PSA é um problema crescente), no último mês de março, o local mais a leste onde foi localizada uma carcaça de javali selvagem encontrava-se a pouco mais de dez quilômetros. Porém, no mês passado um novo surto foi identificado no território polonês ainda mais próximo da fronteira alemã, segundo o BMEL.
Com a finalidade de tentar proteger a Alemanha dos javalis selvagens que migram da Polônia, o Estado de Brandemburgo construiu uma cerca elétrica móvel com 120 quilômetros de extensão nos distritos de Oder-Spree e Spree-Neisse e na cidade de Frankfurt (Oder).
Modificado em 11-9-2020 em 23:44
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1-11-2020 - Pig Progress & ASF Germany: Saxony reports first positive wild boar [African Swine Fever virus (ASFv) has made its entrance in a second state in Germany: Saxony. This state borders Brandenburg in the south. In this state, all other cases have been found so far. The female wild boar was shot during a hunting session and according to the German Ministry of Agriculture (BMEL), she did not show any clinical symptoms of ASF. This took place on Tuesday, October 27, close to Oberlausitz, in the north of Görlitz district, close to the Polish border. A wild boar piglet shot at the same time, tested negative for ASF. (...)]
30-9-2020 - Pig Progress & ASF Germany: Virus hops to the north; total at 38 cases [African Swine Fever in Germany is not limited to 1 location. The German authorities communicated the shooting of an infected wild boar 60km to the north of the first set of outbreaks. Meanwhile, the virus has also travelled north in Western Poland. (...)]
30-9-2020 - Reuters & Germany finds two more swine fever cases, one in new area [Two more cases of African swine fever (ASF) have been confirmed in wild boars in the eastern German state of Brandenburg, with one found outside the area of the first discoveries, the federal agriculture ministry said on Wednesday. One new discovery was confirmed in the Maerkisch-Oderland district in Brandenburg outside of the area further south where the first cases were found, the ministry said. The sites are about 60 kilometres apart. The second case was inside the original area, it added. "The state of Brandenburg must now undertake an appropriate adaptation of the existing protection zones and protection measures to prevent a further expansion of the disease," the ministry said. (...)]
Germany finds two more swine fever cases, one in new area
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 30, 2020
18-9-2020 - Pig Progress & ASF Germany: Markets upside down, 13 cases found [African Swine Fever has been around in Germany’s wild boar population for a week now, and as a result, prices for weaner pigs, sows and finisher pigs all received a big blow. The total of infected carcasses has grown to 13 – and more are to be expected. (...)]
18-9-2020 - The Pig Site & Market reaction: Who stands to gain from ASF in Germany? [It has now been a week since Germany first found a case of ASF in a deceased wild boar near the Polish border. How have markets responded so far? According to Bethan Wilkins, dairy analyst at AHDB, the following countries have placed a ban on German pork imports: (...)]
Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Integration und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Brandenburg (MSGIV) & Afrikanische Schweinepest [In Brandenburg ist bei einem Wildschwein-Kadaver wenige Kilometer von der deutsch-polnischen Grenze entfernt im Landkreis Spree-Neiße die Afrikanische Schweinepest festgestellt worden. Der erste Ausbruch der Afrikanischen Schweinepest beim Schwarzwild in Deutschland ist amtlich vom Landkreis Spree-Neiße am 10. September 2020 festgestellt worden. (...)]
Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Klimaschutz (MLUK) & Afrikanische Schweinepest in Brandenburg. Oberste Landesveterinärbehörde (MSGIV). Das Brandenburger Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Integration und Verbraucherschutz (MSGIV) stellt als Oberste Landesveterinärbehörde auf seiner Website Informationen zur Afrikanischen Schweinepest (kurz: ASP) bereit:(...)]
15-9-2020 – Pig Progres & ASF Germany: 5 more infected wild boar confirmed [The state of Brandenburg in Eastern Germany has confirmed on Tuesday that 5 more wild boar have been found positive for African Swine Fever (ASF). Meanwhile, top level talks are ongoing to get a regionalisation approach accepted in China. That means that the reported finding last week Thursday was not an isolated incident. The 5 animals were found in the municipality Neuzelle in the Oder-Spree district. 4 animals had been found dead, a fifth (sick) animal was shot, according to the press release shared by Brandenburg state. (...)]
15-9-2020 – The Pig Site & ASF in Germany: five more cases confirmed [Sites near the community of Neuzelle in the Oder-Spree district are in the endangered área. The State Laboratory of Berlin-Brandenburg detected African swine fever (ASF) in five other wild boars on Tuesday. The animals were found near the community of Neuzelle in the Oder-Spree district. The sites are all already in the defined endangered area. The consumer protection ministry of the state of Brandenburg announced today. There are four wild boars (fallen game) found dead and one wild boar that was killed by disease. As prescribed in such cases, test material from the five carcasses is still sent to the National Reference Laboratory at the Friedrich Loeffler Institute (Federal Research Institute for Animal Health), which has to confirm the test results. This information is also available in German language. (...)]
12-9-2020 - Reuters & China proíbe importação de carne suína alemã após caso de peste suína africana [A China proibiu as importações de carne suína da Alemanha neste sábado depois que o país europeu confirmou seu primeiro caso de peste suína africana na semana passada, em uma ação que deverá atingir os produtores alemães e elevar os preços globais à medida que os suprimentos de carne da China se estreitam. A proibição da China às importações de seu terceiro maior fornecedor ocorre em um momento em que o maior comprador de carne do mundo lida com uma escassez sem precedentes de carne suína após sua própria epidemia da doença em suínos. A proibição da Alemanha, que forneceu cerca de 14% das importações de carne suína da China até agora neste ano, aumentará a demanda por carne de outros grandes fornecedores, como Estados Unidos e Espanha, aumentando os preços globais. (...)]
11-9-2020 - RT & Alemania confirma la presencia de peste porcina africana en su territorio [La enfermedad se detectó en un jabalí en la frontera con Polonia. Alemania ha registrado el primer caso de peste porcina africana (PPA), ha confirmado este jueves la ministra de Agricultura del país, Julia Kloeckner. La mayor nación productora de cerdos en Europa, corre el riesgo de interrumpir las exportaciones de este tipo de carne, lo que podría profundizar la recesión más aguda que sufre este país desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El virus, que no es dañino para los humanos, fue detectado en los restos de un jabalí hallado en el estado de Brandeburgo, cerca de la frontera con Polonia. El descubrimiento de la infección en la región de Brandeburgo, incluso si se trata de un animal salvaje, debe dar lugar a la prohibición de las exportaciones de carne de cerdo a países fuera de la Unión Europea, porque ya no cumplirá con los requisitos de la mayoría de certificados veterinarios de la Asociación de Granjeros de Alemania (DBV, por sus siglas en alemán), señala Bloomberg. Aunque dentro de la UE estarían protegidas con las reglas de "regionalización" para contener el brote y mantener el comercio interno. (...)]
10-9-2020 - 2DF & Nach Verdacht in Brandenburg | Klöckner bestätigt Schweinepest-Fall [Nun ist es amtlich: Die Schweinepest ist in Deutschland angekommen. Agrarministerin Klöckner hat einen Verdachtsfall in Brandenburg nun bestätigt. Die Afrikanische Schweinepest ist erstmals in Deutschland nachgewiesen worden. Die für Menschen ungefährliche Tierseuche ist bei einem toten Wildschwein in Brandenburg bestätigt worden, wie Bundesagrarministerin Julia Klöckner (CDU) am Donnerstag in Berlin mitteilte. Der Kadaver war wenige Kilometer von der deutsch-polnischen Grenze entfernt im Spree-Neiße-Kreis gefunden worden. ...)]
6-3-2020 - Feed Navigator & Chinese researchers develop vaccine to protect pigs against ASF [There is renewed hope that a robust mechanism against African swine fever (ASF) in pigs could materialize soon]
5-3-2020 - Pig Progress & Moderate optimism about Chinese ASF vaccine [A mixed bag of comments. That's how various vaccine experts around the globe have responded to the recent news that Chinese scientists would have managed to develop a 'safe and efficacious' vaccine against African Swine Fever. There is optimism as well as questions, as it is unclear whether the vaccine could recombine to become virulent again]
5-3-2020 - Global Biodefense & The Case for a Seven-Gene-Deleted African Swine Fever Virus vs. Live Attenuated Vaccine [African swine fever (ASF) is a devastating infectious disease in swine that is severely threatening the global pig industry. An efficacious vaccine is urgently required]
2-2-2020 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & A PSA se espalha lentamente na UE [O recente relatório científico Epidemiological analyses of African swine fever in the European Union (November 2018 to October 2019) mostra que agora todas as fases da epidemia de peste suína africana (PSA) estão representadas na União Europeia (UE)]
29-2-2020 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & O intercâmbio com a Voivodia da Grande Polônia de um país com surtos de PSA [A peste suína africana (PSA) é uma grave ameaça e se dissemina mundo afora; não obstante, o governo Ratinho Junior intenciona renovar uma cooperação técnica que visa intensificar presença no Paraná (com um rebanho de 41,4 milhões de suínos) de comitivas de um país com surtos desta mortal doença para os suínos]
24-1-2020 - World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) & Lunar New Year: travel responsibly to avoid carrying ASF virus [On the eve of a new lunar year, the risk of disease spread increases due to the massive movements of people travelling to celebrate. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) launches the second phase of its awareness campaign focusing on the role of travellers as carriers of African swine fever, a deadly pig disease, and how they can avoid spreading it]
? ? Happy Lunar New Year ? ?
— OIE Animal Health (@OIEAnimalHealth) January 24, 2020
This Year of the Rat, let’s travel responsibly to avoid carrying diseases with us!#ASFStopTheSpread
Read more:
18-1-2020 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & A PSA no Brasil é uma situação concreta [Caso o Brasil fique livre da peste suína africana (PSA) os suinocultores poderão ganhar alguns anos de lucrativa atividade. Porém, será que as fiscalizações agropecuárias públicas envolvidas estão verdadeiramente preparadas — em infraestrutura e em contingente de fiscais agropecuários — para impedir o ingresso e disseminação do mortal vírus da PSA]
25-12-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & A peste suína africana (PSA), as duas Coreias, a OIE e a FAO [As notificações obrigatórias de peste suína africana (PSA) das duas Coreias perante a Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal (OIE)]
25-12-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & Opinião da Direx: o orçamento do governo do estado para a defesa agropecuária [A Coreia do Sul, com a metade da área do Paraná, investirá no ano que vem US$ 315 milhões em saúde animal. E o governo Ratinho Junior?]
22-12-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & Foi encontrada uma vacina eficaz contra o vírus da PSA? [Pesquisadores do Plum Island Animal Disease Center, EUA, concluíram que "o ASFv-G-ΔI177L é uma nova e eficaz vacina experimental" contra o vírus da peste suína africana (PSA) que "protege os suínos do isolado epidemiologicamente relevante do vírus da PSA da Geórgia", Europa Oriental]
18-12-2019 - Pig Progress & ASF Indonesia: 28,000 dead pigs confirmed [African Swine Fever (ASF) has killed over 28,000 pigs in the Indonesian province of North Sumatra. This became clear when the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) released its first update on the progress of the virus into Indonesia. In the update, it stated that in total 392 different backyard farms had been found infected with the virus, affecting 28,136 pigs. The Indonesian authorities estimated that in the province's 34 districts there were 1.23 million pigs in total. ASF has been found in 16 districts. The first outbreak was dated as early as September 4. (...)]
ASF Indonesia: 28,000 dead pigs confirmed
— (@PigProgress) December 18, 2019
17-12-2019 - ABC & Fears of African swine fever reaching Australia rise, as Indonesia confirms outbreak [Indonesia has become the latest country to confirm an outbreak of the deadly pig disease, African swine fever (ASF), that has wiped out more than a quarter of the world's pig population this year. (...) Biosecurity bolstered - Minister for Agriculture Bridget McKenzie said the news was concerning, with 188 flights a week from Indonesia directly into Australian cities. "Bali is a favourite holiday destination for Australians and it's also a region with a lot of pigs," the Minister said. "We have a zero tolerance approach to people who lie about what they have in their luggage and we've refused entry to Australia for six people caught with biosecurity risk material." Australians caught bringing in pork products could face criminal prosecution or civil court action, and be ordered to pay up to $420,000 and be sentenced to up to 10 years in jail. The Federal Government announced an extra $66 million dollars worth of funding last week, to boost biosecurity at Australia's borders. That money will go towards 130 new officers at the border, more detector dogs and two new 3D X-ray machines at airports and mail centres. (...)]
17-12-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & A Austrália será a próxima vítima da PSA? [A Indonésia se tornou o mais recente país a confirmar um surto da mortal doença dos suínos, a peste suína africana (PSA), que poderá matar aproximadamente um quarto da população mundial de suínos]
16-12-2019 - Yonhap News Agency & S. Korea sets aside more budget funds to fight animal diseases [South Korea set aside more state budget funds for next year to fight animal diseases, the agricultural ministry said Monday, after the deadly African swine fever (ASF) hit local pig farms in northern areas this year. The National Assembly approved the budget proposal of 371.4 billion won (US$315 million) for efforts to tackle a variety of animal diseases, which marks a 20 percent rise from 308 billion won allocated for this year, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.The increased budget came as the country has confirmed 14 cases of ASF at local farms in total this year, although the last case from domesticated pigs was reported in October. The total number of wild boars infected with the virus, on the other hand, has been gradually increasing to hit 46 as of Saturday. (...)]
16-12-2019 - Pig Progress & ASF China: US-China trade deal; FAO says virus in Indonesia [(...) FAO confirms ASF in Indonesia. The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as well as the Indonesian government have now also confirmed that African Swine Fever has been discovered in the province North Sumatra. Indonesia's agriculture ministry confirmed this on December 12; FAO has confirmed to be working together with the authorities to help contain the outbreaks. That ASF had reached Sumatra already was clear since mid-November when local authorities confirmed the same. The authorities then stated the province had been suffering from a co-infection of African Swine Fever and Classical Swine Fever, and that an increased level of mortality was around since late September. About 4,000 pigs had to be culled. (...)]
15-12-2019 - Daily Mail & Closing in on Australia: Deadly African swine fever that could decimate our pork industry is found in Indonesia [Deadly swine fever is closing in on Australia's pork industry as experts say it has reached Indonesia. The disease, although harmless to humans, could wipe of Australia's $5.2billion pork industry. Indonesian authorities say the swine fever has been discovered in North Sumatra and has prompted experts to investigate any livestock deaths in the country. (...)]
28-11-2019 - The Western Producer & Global ASF crisis deepens [The spread of African swine fever continues to grow with some analysts suspecting China is downplaying the crisis and about half the sow herd there has been lost. "We still to this day do not know how bad it really is," said Brett Stuart of Global AgriTrends, who provides market advice to the Canadian and U.S. livestock industries and makes frequent trips to China to gather market intelligence. The hard-to-kill virus has threatened 75 percent of the world's hogs in Europe and Asia, he told the Alberta Pork annual meeting held in Calgary Nov. 21. It has spread throughout China, Vietnam, the Philippines and South Korea. Cases have been found in Belgium and Poland. (...)]
25-11-2019 - Japan Times & Japan gears up for pig culls to prevent African swine fever [The agriculture ministry will seek to allow pig culls as a preventive measure against African swine fever, something not currently permitted by the law, if the disease is detected in Japan. The ministry will submit a bill to the Diet next year to revise the Act on Domestic Animal Infectious Diseases Control, ministry officials said. The law currently only allows preventive killings for dealing with foot-and-mouth disease, which broke out in Miyazaki Prefecture in 2010. African swine fever, which is rampant in Asia, is more infectious than the standard swine fever currently found in central Japan and does not have an effective cure. The ministry sees the pre-emptive slaughter of uninfected pigs in farms near infected sites as the only viable way to prevent an epidemic. (...)]
16-11-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & Coreia do Sul: sangue dos suínos abatidos tingiu de vermelho as águas de um riacho [O principal método da fiscalização agropecuária da Coreia do Sul para impedir novos surtos de peste suína africana (PSA) tem sido o abate em massa de animais: até agora foram mortos cerca de 380.000 suínos]
8-11-2019 - Reuters & China reshapes global meat markets as swine fever rages [China is scouring the world for meat to replace the millions of pigs killed by African swine fever (ASF), boosting prices, business and profits for European and South American meatpackers as it re-shapes global markets for pork, beef and chicken]
China reshapes global meat markets as swine fever rages
— Reuters (@Reuters) November 8, 2019
3-11-2019 - Outbreak News Today & Indonesia: African swine fever reported in North Sumatra, according to media report [African swine fever has been reported in Indonesia, according to a Sumut Pos report (computer translated). The report states: A total of 11 districts / cities in North Sumatra Province tested positive for African swine fever (ASF) virus. The 11 regencies / cities include Dairi Regency, Humbang Hasundutan, Deliserdang, Medan, Karo, Toba Samosir, Serdang Bedagai, North Tapanuli, Central Tapanuli, South Tapanuli, and Samosir District. (...)]
3-11-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & PSA poderá matar aproximadamente 25% do rebanho mundial de suínos [Com base nos recentes alertas da Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal (OIE) sobre a gravidade da situação da peste suína africana (PSA), um novo panorama sugere que esta doença poderá matar aproximadamente 25% do rebanho mundial de suínos]
1-11-2019 - The Pig Site & Experts predict swine fever could wipe out quarter of global pig herd [With the recent comments from the OIE on the severity of the ASF situation, a new report suggests that over 25 percent of the world's pig population will die from the disease]
31-10-2019 - The Guardian & Quarter of world's pig population 'to die due to African swine fever' [World Organisation for Animal Health warns spread of disease has inflamed worldwide crisis]
31-10-2019 - Evening Standard & A quarter of the world's pigs expected to die from swine fever, scientist warn [A quarter of the world's pigs are expected to be wiped out by African swine fever, according to the World Organisation for Animal Health. Authorities are trying to get to grips with the fast-spreading disease that has already been detected in China, which rears half the world's supply of hogs. A sharp reduction in pig population could lead to food shortages, high pork prices and inflame a "world-wide crisis", said Mark Schipp, the organisation's president]
A quarter of the world's pigs expected to die from swine fever, scientists warn
— Evening Standard (@standardnews) November 3, 2019
30-10-2019 - Reuters & No country immune to risk of African swine fever spreading: OIE [African swine fever will spread further across Asia where it has devastated herds, and no country is immune from being hit by the deadly animal virus, the head of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) said on Wednesday]
21-10-2019 - Pig Progress & What is the risk of ASFv smuggled into the USA? [Combined US-Spanish research explored what would be the risk of African Swine Fever virus being smuggled into the US in pork in air passenger luggage]
13-10-2019 - Japan Times & North Korea may be hiding hog apocalypse from the world [By official accounts, the pig contagion wreaking havoc across Eastern Asia has virtually skipped over North Korea, with a single outbreak reported there in May. But wayward feral pigs have stoked concern that Kim Jong Un’s reclusive state is hiding an African swine fever disaster. Three wild boars were found dead in border areas separating the two countries earlier this month before being tested positive for the viral hemorrhagic disease, officials in South Korea said. The finding reflects the freedom with which animals roam the 4-kilometer-wide (2.5 mile-wide) buffer zone that divides the nations and creates an involuntary park and refuge for fauna. (...)]
12-10-2019 - The Guardian & African swine fever: the deadly virus that has landed on Australia's doorstep [The deadly virus wreaking havoc in Asia has been detected in Timor-Leste, just 680km north of Darwin]
6-10-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & Vírus da PSA pode sobreviver viável após viagem transoceânica de 30 dias [Um estudo científico conduzido por pesquisadores veterinários norte-americanos investigou o possível risco de o vírus da peste suína africana (PSA) se disseminar através da importação de ingredientes vegetais utilizados na fabricação de ração para suínos]
4-10-2019 - Pig Progress & ASF can survive a 30-day transoceanic Voyage [African Swine Fever virus can survive a simulated 30-day transoceanic voyage in contaminated plant-based feed and ingredients, a new study shows]
4-10-2019 - Pig Progress & ASF hits backyard farms hard in the Philippines [The sea has not been able to stop the march of African Swine Fever in Asia. In September 2019 the virus was also confirmed in the Philippines. What happened on the islands exactly and what are some of the longer-term perspectives?]
26-9-2019 - The Pig Site & South Korea orders military to target wild boar to stop spread of ASF [South Korea has ordered hundreds of soldiers manning the demilitarised zone (DMZ) on its border with North Korea to track and capture wild boars in a bid to prevent the spread of African swine fever, military officials said]
25-9-2019 - The Pig Site & New swine fever cases continue to emerge in South Korea [African swine fever has been confirmed at another pig farm in Incheon followed by two suspected outbreaks in Ganghwa and Yeoncheon, which could bring the total number of confirmed cases in South Korea to eight]
19-9-2019 - Pig Progress & African Swine Fever confirmed on 2 farms in South Korea [African Swine Fever is continuing its march through Asia, as South Korea confirmed 2 farms infected with the virus, both in the province Gyeonggi-do in the north of the country]
16-9-2019 - Kansas State University & New study confirms possible danger of imported feed contaminated with African swine fever [A new study by Kansas State University provides more accurate half-life measurements that confirm the African swine fever virus can survive a simulated 30-day transoceanic voyage in contaminated plant-based feed and ingredients]
13-9-2019 - Pig Progress & ASF Philippines: Carcasses in river; more money released [Footage from the Philippines is showing pig carcasses are floating through the Marikina river, which running close to the affected with ASF and the capital Manila. In the meantime, the Philippine government is allocating millions of pesos to help fight the virus]
11-9-2019 & The Pig Site & One year on from the first ASF outbreak, where is China's pork industry heading? [On 3 August 2018, the first case of African swine fever (ASF) was detected in Liaoning Province of north-eastern China. Over the past year, it has spread rapidly nationwide and up to the end of August 2019 a total of 156 separate outbreaks have been confirmed, covering 107 cities across 31 provinces. In other words, all provinces in mainland China, together with Hong Kong, have now reported instances of the virus]
9-9-2019 - Pig Progress & UPDATED: ASF in Philippines, outbreaks confirmed near Manila [The Philippines has confirmed that the dead pigs found in several farms near Manila indeed tested positive for African Swine Fever (ASF)]
6-9-2019 - Reuters & Vietnam culls 4.7 million pigs as African swine fever spreads
5-9-2019 - The Sofia Globe & African Swine Fever: 7400 farmers in Bulgaria apply for compensation
30-8-2019 - THe Pig Site & How could African swine fever enter the US? [Three possible pathways of entry have industry leaders concerned about African swine fever (ASF) entering the US]
29-8-2019 - The Pig Site & China will release frozen pork from reserves to increase market supplies [China's commerce ministry said on Thursday it will release frozen pork, beef and mutton from state reserves in "due course" to increase the supply of meat in the market]
19-8-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & A PSA continua implacável na Ásia e na Europa Oriental [Na Ásia até 200 milhões de suínos poderão ser abatidos na China; segundo as Nações Unidas, cerca de 1.170.000 suínos já foram abatidos nesse país em um esforço para deter a disseminação da mortal peste suína africana (PSA)]
10-8-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & A PSA ameaça toda a indústria de suínos da Europa Oriental [A peste suína africana (PSA) não é uma "doença política"]
5-8-2019 - Pig Progress & ASF China: An underestimated crisis [As many as half of China’s breeding pigs have either died from African Swine Fever (ASF) or been slaughtered because of the spreading disease, Reuters reports, adding that according to insiders, this is twice as many as officially acknowledged]
2-8-2019 - The Star & Protecting Malaysia against African swine fever [It is just a hop and a skip across the border from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos for this viral disease that kills pigs to enter our country and potentially destroy our local pork industry]
31-7-2019 - The Pig Site & Fifth pig herd in Bulgaria is hit by African swine fever [Bulgarian authorities announced today (31 July) that they would cull 17,000 pigs after detecting an outbreak of African swine fever at a breeding farm in the north of the country]
30-7-2019 - The Pig Site & Vietnamese student arrested for smuggling 10kg of ASF-infected pork into Japan [The exchange student was caught illegally carrying 10kg of fermented pork rolls which was confirmed to be infected with the African swine fever (ASF) virus]
30-7-2019 - World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) & Boosting biosecurity and border measures to control African swine fever in Asia [Asia is facing a devastating and challenging situation after the emergence of African swine fever (ASF) in the region in 2018. Unless measures tailored to the region are implemented, the disease will continue to spread, threatening the livelihood and food security of millions of people. Given the situation, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) convened the 2nd meeting of the GFTADs Standing Group of Experts on the disease for Asia in Tokyo, Japan on 30-31 July 2019. The meeting aims to develop recommendations on biosecurity and border controls that can help curb the spread of ASF and its devastating consequences]
29-7-2019 - Reuters & China's pig herd may shrink by 50% due to African swine fever: Rabobank
24-7-2019 - The Pig Site & Why African swine fever might create a boom in poultry production [This year might well go down as a landmark year in the global poultry and pig industries, for all the wrong reasons]
23-7-2019 - The Pig Site & Pork prices skyrocket and culls begin as ASF hits 17,000 head herd in Bulgaria [On Saturday (20 July) Bulgaria confirmed an outbreak of African swine fever at a breeding farm which housed 17,000 pigs]
20-7-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & Reino Unido: um 'simples' surto de PSA poderá custar £ 85 milhões [No Reino Unido, sua fiscalização agropecuária e suas entidades classistas de suinocultores não querem ser mais realistas que o rei]
17-7-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & PSA na Letônia, Vietnã, Laos, Romênia, Camboja, Hungria, Ucrânia, China, Rússia, Bélgica, Polônia, África do Sul... [A peste suína africana (PSA) é uma questão de "sorte" e de tempo?]
12-7-2019 - The Pig Site & African swine fever one step closer to UK herd [Reports have been confirmed that illegal meat imports seized by authorities in Northern Ireland were contaminated with the African swine fever virus]
Is #AfricanSwineFever one step closer to the UK herd? #virus #DNA has been found in 300 kg of illegal meat imports seized in #NorthernIreland #disease #epidemic #bordercontrol #MuckFreeTruck
— The Pig Site (@thepigsite) 12 de julho de 2019
11-7-2019 - Gazeta do Povo & Peste suína na China impulsiona exportação de frango brasileiro
Peste suína na China impulsiona exportação de frango brasileiro
— Afisa-PR (@AFISAPR) 11 de julho de 2019
5-7-2019 - The Pig Site & ASF confirmed in Bulgaria [According to Reuters, two cases of ASF have been identified in Bulgaria. The disease was identified in backyard pigs from Zhernov, a village in the northern part of the country. In response, the National Food Safety Agency will cull the pigs in Zhernov and establish a 3km quarantine zone around the village. Read more about this story here]
1-7-2019 - Reuters & Mortes de animais com gripe suína na China podem ser o dobro do número oficial [Até metade dos suínos reprodutores da China morreu de peste suína africana ou foi sacrificada devido à disseminação da doença, o dobro do que mostram os números oficiais, de acordo com estimativas de quatro fontes que abastecem grandes produtores]
30-6-2019 - Gazeta do Paraná & Chuva nos EUA e "medo de porco" na China dão impulso extra à economia do Paraná [(...) As exportações de carne de frango, por exemplo, aumentaram 12% de janeiro a maio no período, compensando parte das perdas de 29% da soja. O principal destino foi a China, que enfrenta uma grave crise de peste suína africana – com o receio do consumo de carne de porco contaminada, o país passou a demandar mais carne de frango (...)]
Chuva nos EUA e “medo de porco” na China dão impulso extra à economia do Paraná
— Afisa-PR (@AFISAPR) 1 de julho de 2019
12-6-2019 - Euronews & North Korea steps up measures to prevent spread of African swine fever [North Korea has stepped up measures to prevent the spread of the highly contagious and deadly African swine fever, its main state newspaper said on Wednesday, breaking its silence on the outbreak which was first reported in late May. In late May, North Korea reported an outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), South Korea’s agriculture ministry said but the North has not made any official comment on its outbreak. (...)]
7-6-2019 - Pig Progress & How ASF was eradicated in the Czech Republic [Of all the European countries that detected outbreaks of African Swine Fever in recent years, the Czech Republic has been the only one to actually eradicate the virus again. Strict control measures, strict biosecurity and a coordinated approach played a part in the successful eradication of the virus. Here is how that went]
5-6-2019 - Pig Progess & ASF Poland: Virus hits farm of 8,000 pigs [The African Swine Fever (ASF) epidemic in Poland is far from over. This week, a commercial production facility having 8,012 pigs had to be depopulated due to the virus – most likely the largest farm so far to be hit by AS]
ASF on Polish farms (192 farms, OIE) -
— Afisa-PR (@AFISAPR) 9 de junho de 2019
2-6-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & Fiscalização agropecuária pública é fundamental e estratégica [E caso a peste suína africana (PSA) apareça por aqui? É preciso política pública de Estado (e não de governadores/comissionados de confiança que transitam governos) permanente e de longo prazo em favor da fiscalização agropecuária pública; é preciso o fim da desvalorização profissional e da sub remuneração na base da carreira própria em prejuízo do fiscal agropecuário do Paraná!]
1-6-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & China: como a PSA afeta o comércio global de proteína animal [Este ano, em decorrência da peste suína africana (PSA), a China tem menos 133.862 milhões de suínos]
30-5-2019 - PIG World & OIE says China faces long struggle to tackle African Swine Fever [The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) said it will take years for China to contain the deadly African swine fever virus that has spread throughout the country]
28-5-2019 - Reuters & China faces long struggle to tackle African swine fever: OIE [It will take years for China to contain the deadly African swine fever virus that has spread throughout the country, which is the world’s biggest pork producer, the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) said on Tuesday]
China faces long struggle to tackle African swine fever: OIE
— Afisa-PR (@AFISAPR) 2 de junho de 2019
4-5-2019 - RT & Cómo la peste porcina de China pone en vilo los mercados globales [Las pérdidas del mayor productor y tercer mayor consumidor per cápita de carne de cerdo moverán los mercados y hasta influenciarán la geopolítica, sostiene un analista]
16-3-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & Identificação do v-PSA: teste portátil foi testado com sucesso [Em 2007, a ARS/USDA solicitou que esse tipo de teste fosse empregado na Geórgia na detecção do v-PSA, embora nunca tivesse sido testado fora do laboratório; foi um sucesso, fornecendo resultados após 60 a 90 minutos das raspagens, em comparação com as várias horas demandadas nos ensaios convencionais de PCR - ASF-v ID: Portable test has been successfully tested & In 2007, the ARS/USDA requested that this type of test be employed in Georgia in detecting ASF-V-PSA, although it had never been tested outside the laboratory; was a success, providing results after 60 to 90 minutes of the raspagens, compared to the several hours demanded in conventional PCR assays]
23-2-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & PSA se espalha pela Ásia [Relatados os primeiros surtos de peste suína africana (PSA) no Vietnã & ASF spreads across Asia & Reported the first outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) in Vietnam]
19-1-2019 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & O que torna tão difícil erradicar a PSA? [Torna-se crucial incluir a ciência social ao planejar medidas de prevenção, controle ou erradicação da peste suína africana (PSA). Considerando-se apenas suas particularidades biológicas, contagiosidade, tenacidade e taxa de letalidade, mas ignorando os aspectos humanos, sua atual epidemia de PSA não será controlada & What makes ASF so difficult to eradicate? & It´s crucial to include social science when planning measures to prevent, control or eradicate African Swine fever (ASF). Considering just their biological particularities, contagiosity, tenacity and lethality rate, but ignoring human aspects, their current ASF epidemic will not be controlled]
17-11-2018 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & China: receia-se que o surto de PSA se transforme em epidemia [Carece de investimento o controle da epizoótica peste suína africana (PSA): "A trágica ironia da alocação de investimento para o controle de doenças zoonóticas é que a PSA, eventualmente, poderá causar tanto impacto sobre uma fonte de proteína vital na cadeia alimentar para bilhões de pessoas quanto poderia causar uma epidemia humana"]
7-9-2018 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & Opinião da Direx: peste suína africana (PSA) fora de controle? [Com o aumento da velocidade da batalha global contra a PSA, setores da iniciativa privada vinculados aos negócios da agropecuária e os governos de passagem pelo poder não deveriam contar apenas com a sorte... & Opinion of Direx: African swine fever (PSA) out of control? & With the speeding up of the global battle against ASF, sectors of the private initiative linked to the agribusiness business and the governments of passage by the power shouldn't rely on luck...]
10-5-2016 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & Afisa-PR contesta liberação da entrada de produtos de origem animal trazidos por turistas [O Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) publicou instrução normativa que permite o ingresso, entre outros, de produtos lácteos industrializados (como queijos franceses e doce de leite argentino) e carnes e embutidos (como salames espanhóis e peixes defumados)]