Após quase 40 anos a mortal PSA retorna ao Continente Americano
Os casos foram detectados pelo programa de vigilância cooperativo entre os estadunidenses e a República Dominicana
The United States Department of Agriculture (#USDA) has confirmed that African #Swine Fever (#ASF) has been found in samples from #pigs in the Dominican Republic, the agency said on Wednesday August 28.
— (@PigProgress) July 29, 2021
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Uma notícia do Pig Progress informa que após quase 40 anos, o mortal vírus da peste suína africana (v-PSA) apareceu na América Central, na República Dominicana. Ontem (28) o Departamento de Agricultura estadunidense (USDA, na sigla em inglês, Department of Agriculture) estadunidense — através do seu Serviço de Inspeção de Saúde Animal e Vegetal (APHIS, na sigla em inglês, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) — confirmou que o vírus da doença foi encontrado em amostras retiradas de suínos criados na República Dominicana.
Os testes positivos representam a primeira detecção da PSA nas Américas em quase 40 anos. Os casos foram detectados pelo programa de vigilância cooperativo entre os estadunidenses e a República Dominicana.
Segundo a notícia do Pig Progress, o surto inicial (1º de julho) aconteceu em La Mina, na província de Monte Cristi, na fronteira com o Haiti. Dos 827 suínos testados 266 estavam contaminados com o v-PSA. Duas semanas depois aconteceu o segundo surto em La Breña (distante 170 km do surto inicial), na província de Sánchez Ramírez. Dos 15 animais testados 7 estavam contaminados com o v-PSA.
Os surtos de PSA na República Dominicana foram reportados hoje (29) à Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal (OIE).
À Reuters, Paul Sundberg, diretor do Centro de Informações sobre saúde suína estadunidense (SHiC, na sigla em ingles, Swine Health Information Centre) alertou que "[dos EUA] a proximidade, claro, é uma preocupação" e que "algo aconteceu com a República Dominicana e precisamos saber o que é para garantir que a doença não apareça nos EUA".
The Dominican Republic is restricting #pig shipments & mobilising the military to contain the spread of African #Swine Fever, the agriculture ministry said Thursday, as the USA and Mexico tightened border checks to avoid infections. #ASF #PPA
— (@PigProgress) July 30, 2021
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Dominican Republic restricts pig shipments, enlists military to fight African swine fever
— Reuters Politics (@ReutersPolitics) July 30, 2021
Say it with us:
— OIE Animal Health (@OIEAnimalHealth) August 7, 2021
? I am a traveller.
? I am responsible.
? I am vigilant.
I will do my part to prevent the spread of #AfricanSwineFever and protect pig health and welfare. #ASFStoptheSpread
O governo deve estar preparado para enfrentar "o pior da história"
Uma notícia do Diario Libre informa que um dos maiores agricultores de suínos da República Dominica alertou que
o governo tem que se preparar para enfrentar o pior da história, porque quando a peste suína africana entrou há 79 anos, eram 3 ou 4 suínos e agora são criações que têm muito investimento em genética e em biossegurança.
ASF in the Americas is no science fiction at all
— Afisa-PR (@AFISAPR) August 11, 2021
O agricultor dominicano definiu a PSA como "devastadora", devido à sua capacidade de se disseminar nas pequenas e médias criações com pouca biossegurança, e aniquilar completamente os animais de criação suscetíveis.
PSA no Haiti
O Serviço de Inspeção de Saúde Vegetal e Animal (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, AFIS na sigla em inglês) informou que em 20 de setembro passado a fiscalização agropecuária haitiana notificou um caso positivo de peste suína africana (PSA) à Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal (OIE). A amostra foi coletada de um suíno em uma província na fronteira do Haiti com a República Dominicana e foi testada pelos Laboratórios Nacionais de Serviços Veterinários (National Veterinary Services Laboratories, NVSL na sigla em inglês) do Departamento de Agricultura dos Estados Unidos (Department of Agriculture, USDA na sigla em inglês) por meio de um programa cooperativo de testes.
Leman Swine Conf: Update on #AfricanSwineFever in #Haiti and the Dominican Republic #pigs #pignews #agriculture #agriculturenews #farmnews #farm #farming #animals #animalnews
— The Pig Site (@thepigsite) September 22, 2021
Modificado em 3-10-2021 em 16:28
Matérias vinculadas:
29-11-2021 - Pig Progress & ASF Haiti: Virus spreads to the north of peninsula [It can hardly be called a surprise that African Swine Fever (ASF) has spread to other areas of Haiti. The virus was also found in the north of the country, making it likely that ASF has spread to all areas of Hispaniola island. The latest discoveries show that the virus continues to require extreme vigilance. The entire North American continent is praying that the virus will stay contained on Hispaniola island, which Haiti shares with the Dominican Republic, and where ASF has been reported from since April 10. ASF virus in 3 more departments in Haiti - The latest updates at the website of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) show that the virus has been confirmed in 3 more departments of the peninsula, i.e. Artibonite, Nord and Nord-Est, in the north of the island. The first outbreak in Haiti was discovered on August 26 in a farm near Anse-a-Pitre city in Sud-Est province (south east of Haiti), very close to the border with the Dominican Republic. Together with that initial case, that brings the total amount of reports at 11 from Haiti. (...)]
27-8-2021 - The Pig Site & US creates a "disease protection zone" to safeguard against ASF [As part of efforts to prevent the introduction of African swine fever (ASF) into the United States, USDA and APHIS have established a disease protection zone in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands and unveiled plans to protect the entire US swine industry]
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18-8-2021 - Pig Progress & Latin America on high alert because of ASF [Authorities, associations and producers throughout Latin America are on high alert about African Swine Fever (ASF) now the virus has surfaced in the Dominican Republic, the first case in the Americas in decades. In Latin America, the "Crisis Committee PPA LatAm" has been formed by 22 national organisations from 18 countries in Latin America to prevent the disease advancing into the continent. The new body is carrying out a survey about regional actions and has started a collaborative effort to strengthen health defences throughout the continent. (...)]
16-8-2021 - Pig Progress & ASF República Dominicana: vírus próximo a abril, diz OIE [O vírus da febre suína africana (ASF) já existe na República Dominicana desde abril. Novos dados da OIE confirmam que as amostras com teste positivo também foram coletadas em fazendas de quintal em abril, maio e junho. The information, released by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) show that samples testing positive were taken on backyard farms as early as April 10 in La Vega province, in the heart of the Dominican Republic. Also in May, positive samples were taken on backyard farms in the provinces Elías Piña and San Juan, which are both close to the border with Haiti. (...) The new data offer a couple of insights. The latest data make it increasingly hard to fight the virus, as the news of the presence broke only late July, so in other words the virus had a head start of roughly 3 months before being detected. Especially the outbreaks in May and June in Elías Piña and San Juan provinces show a movement away from the Haitian border, which gives fuel to the theory that the virus might have originated from neighbouring Haiti. (...)]
11-8-2021 - Pig Progress & "USA needs to regionalise if ASF jumps to Puerto Rico" [The United States will have to regionalise quickly in case the African Swine Fever (ASF) virus would jump from the Dominican Republic to the neighbouring island Puerto Rico. Under the current OIE regulations, it would mean that third countries could block pork imports from the entire USA. That was explained by Rosemary Sifford, DVM, administrator at the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), part of the US Department of Agriculture, in a special webinar around the theme of African Swine Fever on Tuesday night. (...)]
11-8-2021 - Pig Progress & ASF Dominican Republic: Unrest despite compensation [The government in the Dominican Republic has allocated about 39 million pesos (US$ 674,000) for compensation to swine producers, affected by African Swine Fever (ASF). Simultaneously, there is uncertainty amongst smaller producers as some fear the sacrifice of healthy pigs. On Tuesday August 10, president Luis Abinader of the Dominican Republic made time to meet representatives of the swine sector during a meeting of the Dominican Agribusiness Board (JAD). There, he announced the allocation of the money and added that current market prices would be paid. He said that the authorities have budgeted funds to meet the needs of pig producers and face the ASF crisis: “Today we will start paying 39 million pesos, to begin with 80 affected producers.” (...)]
8-8-2021 - Diario Libre & Gobierno debe prepararse para enfrentar "lo peor de la historia" con peste porcina, advierte porcicultor [Víctor Abreu, productor mocano, destaca que las autoridades están trabajando con los productores. (...) "El Gobierno tiene que prepararse a esperar lo peor en la historia, porque cuando entró la fiebre porcina africana en el 79 eran 3 o 4 cerdos, ahora son granjas que tienen demasiada inversión en genética, en biodigestores, seguridad, en la calidad de los obreros que los hemos preparado, en médicos veterinarios. Es una industria de las mejores en Centroamérica y el Caribe", explicó. Abreu, quien posee en Moca, provincia Espaillat, una de las granjas porcinas más organizadas del país, define la peste porcina como "devastadora", por su capacidad de acceder a granjas pequeñas o medianas, con poca seguridad sanitaria y arrasar con la población completa de sus animales. (...)]
7-8-2021 - UOL & Peste suína nas Américas [Peste que provocou massacre de porcos na China chega às Américas e combate envolve até turista]
6-8-2021 - The Pig Site & New suspected cases of ASF detected in Domincan Republic - Monte Plata, San Pedro de Macorís and Espaillat [ASF eradication contingency plan activated in Dajabón, Dominican Republic. The Official Commission for the Control and Eradication of Outbreaks of African Swine Fever started the contingency plan in Dajabón for the control of ASF virus as sources in farms and backyard hatcheries. They announced that in the next days the measure will be extended to other provinces of the country. The Minister of Agriculture, Limber Cruz, who heads the commission, reported that other suspected cases were detected in three other provinces, which are Monte Plata, Espaillat and San Pedro de Macorís. (...) "It has been spreading throughout the country, but at the same speed, the commission that we have organized is moving to those points carrying the international and national protocol to eradicate this swine fever wherever it has been detected," said the minister. (...)]
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6-8-2-21 - The Pig Site & Only 800 miles separate US pigs from African swine fever [The first outbreak of African Swine Fever in the Western Hemisphere in nearly 40 years requires all US swine farmers to prioritize and enhance biosecurity practices aimed at protecting the health of their herds]
6-8-2021 - The Pig Site & Dominican Republic's contingency plan to eradicate ASF [Members of the Official Commission for the Eradication of ASF in permanent session. The Dominican Republic's Official Commission for the Control and Eradication of Outbreaks of African Swine Fever declares they are in permanent session to strengthen the measures implemented in the country and optimize inter-institutional coordination with the field teams who have the tasks of identifying, controlling and eradicating ASF. The teams under the command of the regional directors of the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Directorate of Livestock continue with the plan protocol for the elimination of the outbreaks, according to a recent release from the Dominican Republic's Ministry of Agriculture. On Sunday, backyard pig farms located in Cevicos, Fantino, Villa la Mata, Quita Sueño and the main municipality of Sánchez Ramírez were intervened to eradicate the disease that affects the pig population. Until the early hours of Sunday morning, some 14,135 pigs raised in the backyard were identified in these locations. Five work teams made up of a veterinarian from the Directorate of Animal Health of the DIGEGA of the Ministry of Agriculture, an expert from the Agricultural Bank, assistants, workers and members of the national security went to the different farms to proceed with the slaughter of the pigs, which is the only sanitary measure to eradicate the disease according to the protocol established for the control and eradication of African Swine Fever. The Dominican Government is applying all the recommendations that international organizations regulate to contain the advance of the ASF by implementing the regulations that the existing sanitary situation sends. (...)]
6-8-2021 - Pig Progress & ASF Dominican Republic: Smaller pork producers take the blow [As a clearer picture emerges about the seriousness of the African Swine Fever situation in the Dominican Republic, 1 conclusion stands. Up until now, the country's smaller producers are hit hardest. Officials in the Dominican Republic have called on (backyard) producers to refrain from making and sharing footage and pictures about the African Swine Fever. Yet the materials do trickle through of scenes identical to those of countries in Asia and Eastern Europe. Sick finisher pigs huddled together, dead specimens both inside and outside farm buildings, shovels removing carcasses or digging holes and many people wearing protective suits. And what's most confronting: the faces of desperate producers, who have lost their source of income. (...)]
As a clearer picture emerges about the seriousness of the African #Swine Fever situation in the Dominican Republic, 1 conclusion stands. Up until now, the country’s smaller #pork producers are hit hardest.
— (@PigProgress) August 6, 2021
Read more ⏩ #ASF #ASP #AVP #biosecurity
4-8-2021 - Pig Progress & Mexico bans Dominican Republic pork over ASF fears [(...) According to Reuters, Mexican officials will X-ray all baggage coming into the country from the Dominican Republic to detect "products of risk" and carefully destroy any such items, the ministry added in a statement. (...) The Government of Mexico, through the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development, the National Service of Agri-Food Health, Safety and Quality (Senasica) and federal agencies, in close coordination with the Organization of Mexican Pig Farmers (Opormex) and international organizations, put The Comprehensive Biosafety Program under way to protect the country from the presence of African swine fever (ASF) in the Dominican Republic. The plan consists of reinforcing the mechanisms of prevention, detection and control of the threat of ASF entry, through health intelligence work, review of animal health requirements and biocontainment measures and strengthening inspection in ports, airports and borders, with more than a thousand specialized technicians and 112 canine pairs from Senasica. In a virtual working meeting with pig farmers, the Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development, Víctor Villalobos Arámbula, affirmed that the coordinated work on health issues and our technical, organizational and infrastructure strengths will prevent this pandemic, which, being in the Dominican Republic, activated alerts for the entire continent. (...)]
3-8-2021 - Pig Progress & ASF Dominican Republic: Virus spreads to 11 provinces [Outbreaks of African Swine Fever have been found in 9 more provinces in the Dominican Republic, bringing the total to 11 of the 32 provinces. The country has announced to cull tens of thousands of pigs to get the outbreaks under control. The number of 11 provinces was reported on Monday August 2 by the Official Commission for the Control and Eradication of Outbreaks of African Swine Fever. Immediately, the protocol was activated for isolating the virus in those places. Among the 11 provinces are Sánchez Ramírez and Monte Cristi which were made public last week. In addition, infected locations were found in the provinces Santiago, Hermanas Mirabal, La Vega, Elías Piña, San Juan and the National District. Sanitary control brigades are heading towards the demarcations to intervene the backyard hatcheries, since they are susceptible to contracting the disease. (...)]
2-8-2021 - Reuters & Dominican Republic to kill thousands of pigs over swine fever outbreak [The Dominican Republic will slaughter tens of thousands of pigs after detecting outbreaks of African swine fever in 11 of the country's 32 provinces, authorities said on Monday. Fernando Duran, administrator of the state-run Banco Agricola, told a news conference the government will pay pig farmers the market price of each animal slaughtered. Announcement of the slaughter comes after authorities sent 389 samples from pig farms across the country to U.S. laboratories after registering the widespread death of animals in three provinces in the last month. Authorities said the only way to stop the disease, which is lethal and for which there is no vaccine, is to kill the entire pig population in farms where it has been detected. (...)]
2-8-2021 - The Pig Site & Poland sees surge in African swine fever outbreaks in 2021 [During the month of July, Poland has reported a surge in farms testing positive with ASF. ASF cases for 2021 have gone from 12 cases (based on lab results from July 2) to 36 cases in just four weeks. Case herd sizes range from one pig on the farm to more than 2,000 pigs on a farm. In a press statement, Poland's Chief Veterinary Officer announced the discovery of the 36th outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) in pigs in 2021, based on the results of laboratory tests obtained on July 28 this year. ASF outbreak no. 2021/36 (primary outbreak) was designated on July 28, 2021 on a farm where 15 fattening pigs were kept, located in Wodniki, Wąsosz commune, Górowski poviat, Dolnośląskie voivodship and in the area covered by regionalization listed in Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (CIR) 2021/605. (...)]
30-7-2021 - World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) & Urgent action needed to curb the spread of African swine fever in the Americas [As the deadly pig disease reaches the Americas Region for the first time in almost 40 years, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) calls on countries to strengthen their surveillance efforts. Critical support provided by the Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs), a joint OIE and FAO initiative, is underway. (...) When ASF swept into Asia for the first time in 2018, a regional Standing Group of Experts was convened in the Americas under the GF-TADs framework to get ready for a potential introduction of the disease. This group has been providing critical guidelines on disease prevention, preparedness and response, in line with the global initiative for the control of ASF. The efforts invested in preparedness paid off, as a network of experts built during peace times was already in place to quickly and effectively coordinate a response to this urgent threat. After the official alert was disseminated via the OIE-WAHIS, the OIE and FAO swiftly mobilised their Standing Group of Experts in order to provide support to the regional countries. In this vein, the group calls on countries to reinforce their border controls, as well as to implement the OIE international Standards on ASF to mitigate the risk of disease introduction. Acknowledging the heightened risk, sharing information and research findings with the global veterinary community will be of critical importance to trigger early measures that can protect pig populations in the region. Priority actions should also be considered to significantly raise the level of awareness of the disease. To this end, an OIE communication campaignis available in several languages to support countries in their efforts. (...)]
There's currently no vaccine to prevent #AfricanSwineFever, but through preventive actions, its further spread can be avoided.
— OIE Animal Health (@OIEAnimalHealth) August 6, 2021
Vigilance & preparedness remain key to avoid its devastating impacts.
Do your part to protect pigs ?➡️ #ASFStoptheSpread
30-7-2021 - Reuters & African swine fever cases in Dominican Republic trigger regional warning [World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) called on countries to strengthen efforts to keep out African swine fever on Friday after the Dominican Republic reported the Americas’ first cases of the deadly pig disease in nearly 40 years. (...)]
30-7-2021 - The Pig Site & African swine fever confirmed on two Dominican Republic pig farms [The U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed the deadly hog virus African swine fever in samples from pigs in the Dominican Republic, the agency said on Wednesday, fueling concerns about the disease creeping closer to the United States. Reuters reports that the Dominican Republic is restricting pig shipments and mobilizing the military to contain the spread of African swine fever. This comes from the DR agriculture ministry on Thursday as the United States and Mexico tightened border checks to avoid infections. The ASF-positive tests represent the first detection of the disease in the Americas in about 40 years, according to the National Pork Producers Council, a U.S. industry group. No cases have ever been found in the United States. However, infections in the Dominican Republic highlight the risk for the spread of the disease, which devastated China's hog herd after being detected there in 2018. (...)]
29-7-2021 - Thomson Reuters Foundation News & Mexico tightens inspections in ports, airports amid African swine fever in region
29-7-2021 - La Estrella de Panamá & Peste porcina: Panamá establece alerta ante llegada de enfermedad [El Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario estableció medidas preventivas, así como la conformación de un Comité de Emergencia. Panamá estableció una alerta con medidas preventivas contra la Peste Porcina Africana (PPA), luego que el Laboratorio de Diagnóstico de Enfermedades de Animales Extranjeros del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA, en inglés) anunciara ayer la presencia de esta peste en República Dominicana. "La PPA había estado confinada en Asia y parte de Europa, y ahora aparece en la República Dominicana, lo que conlleva una situación delicada por la gran cantidad de vuelos de este país hacia Panamá y la gran población de emigrantes lo que nos obliga como ente responsable a relanzar una alerta rápida", comunicó el ministro de Desarrollo Agropecuario (MIDA), Augusto Valderrama. (...)]
29-7-2021 - Government of Canada & Confirmed finding of African swine fever in the Dominican Republic
28-7-2021 - U. S. Department of Agriculture | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) & USDA Statement on Confirmation of African Swine Fever in the Dominican Republic
20-7-2020 - The Pig Site & UK to test its ASF contingency plans with Exercise Holly [Government departments across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will test African swine fever (ASF) contingency plans in Exercise Holly to learn how to contain and supress the deadly pig disease. ASF is a disease which affects pigs and wild boar and in recent years it has been circulating in parts of Asia and Africa, leading to the deaths of millions of pigs worldwide and causing significant disruption to the meat trade. The disease has also spread to parts of Eastern Europe through the movement of wild boar. Whilst there has never been an outbreak of ASF in the UK, the simulated exercise is an important part of testing the UK’s plans to prevent and respond to a potential future outbreak. ASF poses no risk to human health as it only affects pigs and related animals. ASF spreads between animals, but the virus can also be transmitted through feeding infected meat to other animals. The government currently deems the risk of the virus being brought into the UK in animal products from affected countries, including from illegal imports, to be at "medium" risk. (...)]
10-9-2020 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & Mortal vírus da PSA na Alemanha [Ministra do BMEL alemão confirma a presença do vírus da peste suína africana no Estado de Brandemburgo]
29-2-2020 - Associação dos Fiscais da Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Paraná (Afisa-PR) & O intercâmbio com a Voivodia da Grande Polônia de um país com surtos de PSA [A peste suína africana (PSA) é uma grave ameaça e se dissemina mundo afora; não obstante, o governo Ratinho Junior intenciona renovar uma cooperação técnica que visa intensificar presença no Paraná (com um rebanho de 41,4 milhões de suínos) de comitivas de um país com surtos desta mortal doença para os suínos]
11-7-2018 - EFSA Channel & African Swine Fever: how to stay one step ahead [EFSA's new practical guide on African swine fever: what it is and how to protect domestic pigs from infection. From causes and symptoms to precautionary measures, a list of best practices on how to protect farm animals and wild boar populations from ASF. - For more information consult the ASF topic page and story map on the EFSA website - For more on control measures visit the European Commission website, ASF section Subtitles are available in EN, FR, IT, DE, BG, ES, HU, LT, RO, PL, CS, ET, HR, LV, SK, SL, DA, EL, FI, NL, PT and SV and UK]